Sunday, September 7, 2008

2 Tags for the Price of 1

8 Things I am passionate about:

1. My family/friendships
2. Family history research
3. Setting goals/to do lists
4. Reading
5. Blogging
6. Exercise
7. Organization
8. Chocolate

8 Words or phrases that I say often:
1. I love you.
2. Are you stinky-dinky? (I hope you know this only applies to Owen.)
3. Get off the table!
4. 1, 2, 3, Jump! (trying to lift Owen in or out of the car or a shopping cart)
5. It's time to practice your violin.
6. Good job!
7. Let's go, Joe.
8. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine! You make me happy when skies are gray...

8 Things I want to do before I die:
1. Find happiness with my own body.
2. Be debt free!
3. See my children married in the temple.
4. Complete this stupid bathroom.
5. Become more naturally charitable.
6. See my children graduate from college.
7. Make some homemade cinnamon rolls (I think this falls into things I want to do before this week ends.)
8. Organize, scrapbook or somehow compile all of my photos in a chronological system with all the necessary information.

8 Things I have learned
1. My belly button will never look like it did when I was in high school. (amen!)
2. Growing up as an only child is not the best way to grow up.
3. Some people will hurt you over and over again.
4. There is no shortcut for having a healthy, toned body. (Maybe they'll invent that before I die?)
5. I will probably always feel inadequate as a parent no matter how much I do.
6. Dreams can be so vivid that you sometimes can't tell if they happened in reality or not.
7. If you feel prompted to do something kind for someone, you should act on it.
8. The water in Arizona will probably kill you if you don't filter it in some format.

8 Places I would love to go or see:
1. Australia
2. Hawaii
3. Jamaica
4. Maine in the early fall (before the snow comes).
5. Spain (again)
6. Japan
7. somewhere where I can get a massage
8. heaven (just for a visit, not meaning I want to die, just get a glimpse)

8 Things I currently need or want:
1. A sectional
2. My bathroom to be finished
3. My stomach to somehow magically bounce back to my pre-pregnancy look when this baby is born.
4. Someone to weed my lawn/landscape.
5. Chocolate...
6. My husband to try and buy my love
7. Braces--I was naughty and didn't wear my retainer and they're starting to shift.
8. A new carseat for the baby with a sit and stand stroller.

8 People I tag:
1. Kim--hurry before the baby comes!
2. Rhea
3. Stephanie
4. Brittany
5. Steve
6. Lolly
7. Heather
8. Julie

alphabet tag...
A. Attached or single? Attached
B. Best friend? If I don't say my husband, how does that look?
C. Cake or pie? cake
D. Day of choice? I love Friday night through Saturday night, Sunday reminds me Monday is coming again...
E. Essential item? Chocolate, air conditioning (pregnant in AZ heat)
F. Favorite color? blue or green
G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears (cinnamon bears although my very favorite are cinnamon lips if we're talking gummy treats).
H. Hometown? Montrose, Colorado
I. Indulgence? Having my husband rub my back, reading in a long, hot bath, eating out, my new van (!)
J. January or July? In Arizona I pick January--well stated.
K. Kids? 2 and 3/4.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Goals
M. Marriage date? August 2001
N. Number of brothers & sisters? 2 step-brothers, 3 half brothers, 1 half sister and 1 step-sister
O. Oranges or apples? I used to really hate oranges because of the pith, but since I discovered you can slice them in rings and we get fresh citrus from the trees, it has to be oranges.
P. Phobias? the bottom of the ocean--what the heck is down there and how far is it till I get there?
Q. Quotes? "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Then, it's just a game, find the eye." (This sounds like something my dad would say.)
R. Reasons to smile? my children, chocolate, Friday evening, good memories, funny jokes, to brighten someone's day
S. Season of choice? I think it would have to be winter because I love the feelings that come with Christmas.
T. Tag some peeps! Whoever wants to...
U. Unknown fact about me? I never get headaches. I think I've had two, maybe three in my entire life.
V. Vegetable? Anything from my grandma's garden, she treats her plants like her children and you can taste the love in every bite.
W. Worst habits? Not being able to sleep from my mind thinking about too many to-dos, not being patient enough with my kids
X. X-ray or ultrasound? ultrasound
Y. Your favorite food? It really depends on my mood, but it would have to be something with chocolate.
Z. Zodiac sign? Leo


Laurel said...

Sorry, I'm being slow here. Which one am I suppose to do? The alphabet or 8 things?

Anonymous said...

help me out here! I love these tags, but I don't know how to access them! Do I have to do it manually and write out all the questions by hand and type them in?? I'm pretty sure there's a better and easier way, just too beginner-ish to figure it out!!! Maybe at book club you can let me know if you don't read this before then!!! Thanks!!! Your blog is cute as ever!!!
You really lit a fire with your Sarah post!!! Wow!
PS. Have to say I quite like her--pregnant daughter and all!!!

Anonymous said...

That's my anonymous comment above!! Dont' know what happened!!