Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The BIG Reveal

So...this is what we've been up to the last 12 weeks:
Look at those great legs!

I like this shot because you can see the umbilical cord wrapped around the leg.

Getting ready to suck his thumb?

No more photos please!
And, even though we are only twelve weeks--the ultra sound tech said that with 95% certainty that it's a BOY! Can you believe they can tell so early? Other interesting tidbits--baby's heart rate was 162 beats a minute. They could even tell that the egg came from my right ovary. We also listened to the blood flow from my ovaries to make sure that everything was okay. So, our official due date is August 4--only three days away from my own birthday. What a great present!

Friday, January 14, 2011


When Derek and I ventured down to Cancun in August, I brought along the first season of LOST. Neither of us had watched it while it was on TV, but a lot of our friends had enjoyed it, so I thought that while we were resting in the evenings (it's a lot of work drinking daiquiris and lounging by the pool) we could watch it.
Needless to say that we became addicted. I mean to say that we just finished all six years of this series last night. Though it seems like a lot of TV to watch, we actually watched quite a few episodes on our computer, so that doesn't count. Plus, without commercials, a LOST episode is only just over 42 minutes.
Now, as we were watching the very last episode last night, I couldn't help but thinking, "What?" as the last scene ended. That Jack was dead I got. That everyone with him in the church was dead also made sense. However, what confused me was the individual deaths of each person that met on the island. Did they all just die when the plane first crashed? That seems pretty lame. Did they all die when Juliette exploded the bomb? Maybe... Luckily for me, there are several sites out there that offer up explanations for all of this and after reading them, I feel much more enlightened.
I do have to wonder, since a show's producers can never know how long a show will last, if the intended purpose of the show was how it turned out. I loved all of the character flashbacks from their lives--whether their lives before the plane crash or their "lives" after death before they reunited. I just think that originally, the show was probably going to just feature the Others and go from there. I definitely give props to the producers who were brilliant enough to tie so many different things together. I wish all shows made me think like this.