Friday, August 6, 2010

I Should Be Grateful, But...

1. I should be grateful that my boys let me do my hour of exercise, BUT it's still irritating to find green crayon scribbled on two different couches.
2. I should be grateful that Eli stopped coloring when I noticed he had a crayon, BUT did he have to be coloring in a library book?
3. I should be grateful that De-Solv-It takes crayon and pencil off of walls, BUT why do I have pencil marks taller than my 1 year old can reach?
4. I should be grateful that the crayon marks washed right off of my couch pillows, BUT did the pillow covering have to rip and leave filling throughout my entire load of laundry?
5. I should be grateful that my washing machine didn't flood my laundry room, BUT where did that water on the floor come from anyway?
6. I should be grateful that all of this happened within two hours this morning, BUT did it have to happen at all?
However, my day is not a complete loss--thank you Children's Place $2.99 sale. And, to keep it all in perspective, I was watching this video yesterday and it got me all teary. Sure, I had a rough morning, but my life is soooo easy in comparison to hers.
I've been thinking about where I am in my life right now--a lot lately. Am I being the kind of mother, daughter, wife and friend I want to be? Am I appreciating all of the sweet moments that being a young parent brings or merely dwelling on the challenges (like my 1-6 above)?
I look at my daughter who started 2nd grade a few weeks ago and think that in only a matter of months from now, she'll be old enough to decide if she wants to make a life long commitment to join the church. How quickly that time has gone.

I look at my baby who is nearing is second birthday and realize that Owen was almost the same age that Eli is now, when Eli was born--yet, I feel like Eli is still my baby.

Life is flying by and am I really appreciating it for all it's worth? Some days yes, some days not as much as I should.
However, I am grateful for all that God has blessed me with. So, the rough mornings will come, but really, I live a pretty charmed life.


Mrs Remodel said...

I always appreciate your down-to-earth attitude and honesty.

rachel said...

I don't know how many times a day I say this same phrase. It's awesome that you can identify what you should be grateful for because a lot of times I can't;) Loved this post! Thanks for the best reminder of what I "SHOULD" be doing.

JenW said...

i love it...come what may and love it, right? i keep saying that to myself as well:) these are the good old days that i'll look back on and want again, i am sure:)

getti said...

enjoying the journey. I am working on this I am glad I'm not the only one.

Lauren and Trevor said...

Perhaps the difficult mornings make the smooth mornings even more enjoyable.

Lara Neves said...

Way to look on the bright side. Those days are always a little hard for me, and I rarely remember to be grateful.

I was just thinking about Chloe being so close to baptism, too. Time flies.

Tiffini said...

Audrey - thanks for including that link to the youtube video. wow! what a story! definitely puts things into perspective.

Heather said...

Yes, despite the bad days there is a lot to be grateful for! Thanks for the reminder :)

Sorry we missed each other AGAiN! One of these trips we will make it happen!

JLJ said...

At least you're taking time to make your kids bear shaped (?) pancakes. You must be the best mom in the world!