Melissa tagged me on this one and I thought it was excellent timing with Valentine's just around the corner. Before I fill you in on the fascinating relationship that is Derek & Audrey Petersen, I wanted to let all of you know that Costco's deal for Valentine's is THREE dozen roses (delivered!) for only $59.99. I've never heard of such a great deal. Anyway, moving onto us...
1. What's his name? Phil Derek Petersen (No, that's not short for Phillip which is what I'm always asked. Yes, he goes by his middle name because he is named after his dad. And, no, we did not carry on the name of Phil with our first born for which I will always be slightly in trouble for. However, we did name our son after my husband's great-grandpa so that counts for something I think.)
2. How long have you been married? To Derek? Probably, that's what you mean. 6 1/2 years.
3. How long did you date? Puh-leez! Don't get me started on this subject. I say we basically didn't date really at all because Derek is a big proponent of "hanging-out" so he didn't ask me on many formal dates at all. We did see each other almost every single day for about four months before we got engaged.
4. How old is he? Enjoying the last year of his 20s.
5. Who eats more? It depends on what is served. If it's dessert in any form--me for sure. If it's the main course of meat and sides--Derek. (I always remember to save room for dessert.)
6. Who said "I love you" first? Derek did. After he discussed with me how would a person know if he was in love?
7. Who is taller? I am by like 1/2 an inch. I do contend that he tricked me though by wearing hiking boots most of the time we dated (it was winter in Utah.).
8. Who sings better? Definitely Derek. His family is very talented musically while my family is talented in appreciating people who are talented musically.
9. Who is smarter? Well, Derek always says I am. However, I think it depends on what it is we're talking about. I'm very good at grammar and spelling and better at math than he is, but he has a better memory for certain details in stories and definitely knows politics and world news better than me. He also is more dedicated to studying than I could ever be.
10. Whose temper is worse? Definitely mine. Derek doesn't get that upset about most things.
11. Who does the laundry? I wash it all, but he often helps me fold it.
12. Who does the dishes? I do them most of the time, but Derek will help if I ask him to.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? This is a weird question. What is this supposed to reveal? I do right now, but it has switched from time to time.
14. Who pays the bills? Well, Derek is the one making the money, but I'm the one that pays the bills.

15. Who mows the lawn? I did mow it one time, but it's really Derek's job.
16. Who cooks dinner? Me most of the time. Derek doesn't get home in time to do that. However, on the weekends, sometimes I'll let him cook me something. He doesn't like to cook with recipes.
17. Who drives when you are together? Mostly me, but I try to let him drive because it shows that I trust him. (There's a story here, but I'll spare you the details.)
18. Who is more stubborn? Mostly me. This is genetic by the way, I have no way of avoiding this trait. Ask every male that has married into our family.
19. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? What is this? Some sort of a put my faults on display for the whole blogging community? Derek is a thousand times better at this than me. Maybe that just means he's wrong more than me?
20. Whose parents do you visit most? I would say that my grandparents are probably who we see most because they live closer than any other parents.
21. Who proposed? Derek.
22. Who has more friends? Boy, this is a little devisive I'd say. I would say that I do a better job of keeping in touch with my friends. Who keeps tallies of these things? Even if I do have more friends, would I want to flaunt it?
23. Who has more siblings? He does--he's number two of eight.
24. Who wears the pants in the family? Well, I guess I would say that I typically am the bossier of the two of us, but to his credit, I don't think it's because Derek is a pushover, more because he recognizes a genius when he sees one. (Seriously, I think it's because Derek doesn't really feel strongly about most things that have to be decided on, but we try very hard to work together on big decisions.)
Okay, who to tag? I tag Misty M., Adrienne, Marielle, Lolly, Kelli & Stephanie