Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ryanna Completes Book 3 of Suzuki

To celebrate Ryanna's completion of Suzuki Book 3 violin, we held a small concert in our house. We had friends who live nearby come listen to her play the last five songs from Book 3 and the first concerto from Book 4 all from memory. She did an amazing job. I can't believe how many notes that is to put in memory, but she manages to do it. 
She started when she was just a little older than 3 and it has not been an easy journey all the time. Just like any child, she doesn't want to practice. I actually practice with her and I enjoy it, but our practice sessions usually begin with, "Noooooooo...." and a little bit of groaning. There have been times when I've wanted to quit. The frustration between her and myself was something I worried I would look back on with regret. I didn't want to sacrifice our relationship for the sake of developing a talent. 
It has gotten better as she has gotten older. I look at her musicality and think that if I had not encouraged her, I would feel guilty because I see in her an innate ability to hear and duplicate music. I see a skill that amazes me on a daily basis. She's still working on fine tuning details, but I think that's a never ending journey for all musicians. I'm grateful for her talent and that she and I have had this time to practice together. To look at the notes and shake our heads wondering how in the world to read it sometimes and laughing when we look back at some songs that seemed difficult and now are easy.  
These are two of the songs that she performed. I couldn't be more proud.

Concerto Number 2 in G Major, Opus 13, 3rd Movement by Seitz

Bourree by Bach