This morning was rough. You know, a day when all of the kids are up before the alarm can ring at 6 am. A morning where my internet won't work--STILL!!! A morning where I discovered that the load of dishes I started last night at 9 pm were still in process of being dried at 7 am (Will that food ever come off now?). Then, the baby started to get really cranky because--guess what?--he's not supposed to be up until 8:30 or so. Just a day where I was ready to call it quits around 11 am and head back to bed.
Instead, at 12 I headed to Owen's swim lessons. There was a new child there today. His mom sat right by me. We chatted a bit and laughed about how her little boy was so big compared to my small children. Then, she asked me how many kids I had. I pointed out all three. I asked her how many she had. She told me she had five but two were dead. I was shocked. What happened I asked? She told me that her oldest son had accidentally been electrocuted last year. He was 27. Then, later that year, she had a baby girl who was born with one of her lungs underdeveloped. She was pink and healthy and beautiful. The survival rate for that type of thing these days is 98%. Unfortunately, one of her doctors was too rough with the little girl and blew a hole in her lung. Then, he had the audacity to say, "It was for the best."
I sat next to this woman and heard her story and I just couldn't imagine someone saying that to me. Someone trying to play God with someone else's life. I realize doctors often are put in that situation, but to be so cavalier about your errant actions? To take a human life is unimaginable to me, but to do it without a modicum of remorse is sickening.
My heart went out to this mom who further explained that the huge age gap between her children was due to the fact that she's had to have all of them through invitro fertilization.
Then she said, "It's okay. I've had a lot of spiritual experiences related to the loss. I know that I'll have her again. She's mine."
Yes, you will have her again because Families are Forever. Isn't that the most wonderful promise of all? The people we love here on Earth can be with us in heaven as well.
I left the swim lesson feeling a little chastised for my self pity...reminded that my problems are small and easily overcome. I can go to sleep tonight and have a fresh start on all of them tomorrow. I love the promise of a new day. I love the knowledge we have of the eternal nature of families. I feel truly blessed.